Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Patience Is A Forgotten Quality - 1120 Words

Patience seems to be a forgotten quality. Most of us have trouble waiting in a line to purchase tickets, for the traffic lights to change, or for the driver to pick us up from school. We are familiar with the saying, â€Å"Patience is a virtue†, but do we really understand the meaning behind it? The dictionary defines patience as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. This is one way to put it, but it also has a deeper meaning. The word patience means the willingness to stay in the present and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something special will manifest itself to us at the right time. Patience is the ability to remain calm and wait for something even if it takes a†¦show more content†¦By the time Beowulf arrives on the shores of Hrothgar’s kingdom, Grendel has been harassing Herot for quite some time. He hunts only at night and kills soldiers in their sleep in the Hall and taking e ven more back to his lair. Beowulf get’s word of this from his home in Geatland, and makes the decision to sail to Hrothgar’s kingdom to assist him in defeating Grendel. â€Å"Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror And quickly commanded a boat fitted out, Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now when help was needed†(pg 44 lines 110-116). Through these lines, Beowulf is expressing that the reason, or motivation, behind him sailing to Hrothgar’s kingdom to defeat Grendel is to save Hrothgar’s people from the horrors that Grendel is inflicting upon them. Due to this quote, it is clear that Beowulf’s motive for fighting Grendel was to help save the people of Denmark from the monster. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf must fight Grendel’s Dam to avenge the death of Aeschere, which is told through Burton Raffel’s translation of the epic poem, Beowulf. 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